Avolta contracted with Milky Way dairy to develop a renewable natural gas (RNG) project that provides environmental, operational and financial benefits. Milky Way cares for more than 35,000 cows who’s manure will be processed to generate over 375,000 MMBtu of RNG annually for use as renewable transportation fuel. As part of the project, Avolta partnered with the dairy to improve the water quality of their manure management system into the RNG project by adding processing equipment to remove solids prior to the recycled flush enhance cow health.

This project improves bedding quality, provides an additional revenue stream, and captures greenhouse gas for beneficial use that otherwise would have been released into the atmosphere. The RNG project created a win-win-win situation for the dairy, the community and the environment.

Milky Way began delivering gas into an existing Southwest Gas Pipeline Q1 2023.

“We’re excited to be partnering with the de Jong family. Our project will provide operational and nutrient benefits to the dairy, support the local economy by providing jobs, and reduce methane emissions therefore improving the environment.”
– Gov Siegel, Co-Founder

Milky Way Project Overview